Everything we do at Christ Church is made possible through your generosity, Thank You!
We worship with our living and we worship with our giving.
We are very aware that not everyone can give financially, there are many ways to give, check out our teams page to find our more about how you can volunteer and belong in one of our teams.
You can give today by debit of credit card either a one-off gift or a monthly donation by clicking on give by card below.
A one-off gift and regular monthly gifts can be made by BACS bank transfer. For a one-off gift, this is often called ‘pay someone’ on your personal banking website. For a regular monthly gift, you can set up a ‘standing order’.
To arrange payments by online banking, our account details are:
Account name: Christ Church Dartford Parochial Church Council,
Bank: HSBC
Account number: 20232408
Sort code: 40-19-04
Reference: Your Full Name
Did you know that if you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid can be applied to any donation you make? Gift Aid increases your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate. Please click below to complete a Gift Aid Declaration.