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Ready to take the next step in your faith journey?

The Christian life is a journey with many steps along the way. For most people their baptism is an important early step in their Christian life.


Being confirmed is another important step. It involves a special service where you publicly affirm your baptismal faith and the bishop lays his hand upon your head, inviting the Holy Spirit to strengthen and confirm your Christian faith.


We cannot live the Christian life without God's help and this public opportunity to receive the Holy Spirit is an important milestone.


For children who have been christened, we encourage them to do this when they reach secondary school.


For adults who are baptised we try to have the confirmation as near as possible to the baptism - usually during the same service.


It is usual practice for individuals to start receiving Holy Communion once they have been confirmed.


We like to prepare people for their confirmation and first communion so that they fully understand the meaning and significance of these occasions and so they're strengthened in their Christian Life. This could be attend Alpha or a group confirmation preparation session.



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